In Year 1 our classes are named after the authors Nick Butterworth and Julia Donaldson.
Butterworth is taught by Mrs Hunter.
Donaldson is taught by Miss Brooks.
The year group is supported by Miss Kelly, Mrs Valter and Mr Anderson.
In Year 1 we support the children to make the transition from Early Years to the Key Stage 1 curriculum. We start the year by learning what makes a good superhero. Throughout the year, we use lots of exciting stories and nonfiction books to inspire our learning. Daily phonics lessons help us to develop our literacy skills and prepare us to be confident in reading and writing.
Big Enquiry
Autumn 1 – Superheros Autumn 2 – What Makes Autumn Special
Spring 1 – Andy Goldsworthy And Winter Spring 2 – How can Traditional Stories help us with our learning
Summer 1 – What Makes Britain Great
Home Learning
We will set a booklet of half termly learning in the first week of every half term including reading, mental maths and spelling. This will be sent home as a booklet but can also be found on the website under Home Learning, Year 1 half termly.
Autumn Term
In September, we ask the question “What makes a good superhero?” and celebrate our learning in a superhero showcase at the end of the half term.
After half term, we study the questions “What makes Autumn special?” and “How does Jesus’ birth light up winter?”. The highlight of this term is the trip to the woods we take to see the season of Autumn take shape.
Spring Term
In January, we ask the question “What patterns can we see in nature during winter?”. This enquiry is very exciting as it leads into Christmas and our RE learning of “Why do Christians go to church?”.
This half terms sees us, again, visit the woods and see how the changing season has impacted our surroundings.
After half term, we study “What makes Britain Great?”. We learn about the differences in the places around Great Britain as well as the flag, key landmarks and traditions of our isles.
Summer Term
In April, we ask the question “How can traditional tales help us with our learning?”. In this half term have a real focus on our phonics knowledge and end the half term by using that knowledge to write and spell traditional tales. These are then read by the children to the Reception classes.
After half term, we learn “How will we travel in the future?”. This topic sees us look at the history of transport and its evolution through the years. The children love this topic and it’s highlight is the trip to Brooklands Museum, where we are lucky enough to see a range of modes of transport, including Concorde.