At Esher Church School, we are committed to reducing bullying and improving well-being for all pupils. In recognition for all our hard work and the impact on our children and staff, the United Against Bullying (UAB) programme awarded the school the United Against Bullying GOLD School status.
This is not an easy award programme and we are incredibly proud of what we have achieved! For context, 217 schools applied for the award last academic year, with only 2% achieving Gold, 32% Silver, 49% Bronze and 15% a certificate of participation. We are proud to have achieved Gold status for the 2nd year running.
We have a number of key initiatives to support our school community, including:
- School Parliament
- Playground Friends
- Sports Leaders
- Big Friends (Year 6) and Little Friends (Reception)
- House Captains / Junior Leadership Team
- Prefects
To view our Anti-bullying Policy click here
Esher Church School Charter
- We at Esher Church School are all different and that’s Ok.
- We at Esher Church School choose to be Ready, Respectful and Safe.
- We at Esher Church School choose to be a kind and caring community in real life and online.
- We at Esher Church School know who to talk to if we are worried about being bullied or what to do if we know that someone else is being bullied.
Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or online.
Definition of bullying