Term Dates

Academic Year 2023-24

Friday 1st SeptemberINSET DAY (school closed to children)
Monday 4th SeptemberINSET DAY (school closed to children)
Tuesday 5th SeptemberFirst day of Autumn 1 term for children (Years 1 – 6)
Friday 20th OctoberLast day of Autumn 1 term – school finishes at 3.15pm
Half Term Holiday:Monday 23rd October – Friday 27th October
Monday 30th OctoberINSET DAY (school closed to children)
Tuesday 31st OctoberFirst day of Autumn 2 term - children return to school
Friday 15th DecemberLast day of Autumn 2 term
Break up for Christmas Holidays – school finishes at 1.30pm
Tuesday 2nd JanuaryINSET DAY (school closed to children)
Wednesday 3rd JanuaryFirst day of Spring 1 term for children
Friday 9th FebruaryLast day of Spring 1 term – school finishes at 3.15pm
Half Term Holiday:Monday 12th February - Friday 16th February
Monday 19th FebruaryFirst day of Spring 2 term - children return to school
Thursday 28th MarchLast day of Spring 2 term
Break up for Easter Holidays – school finishes at 1.30pm
Monday 15th April INSET DAY (school closed to children)
Tuesday 16th AprilFirst day of Summer 1 term for children
Monday 6th May Early May Bank Holiday (school closed)
Thursday 23rd MayLast day of Summer 1 term – school finishes at 3.15pm
Friday 24th MayINSET DAY (school closed to children)
Half Term Holiday:Monday 27th May - Friday 31st May
Monday 3rd June First day of Summer 2 term
Friday 19th JulyLast day of academic year for children
Break up for Summer Holidays – school finishes at 1.30pm
Monday 22nd JulyINSET DAY (school closed to children)
Tuesday 23rd JulyINSET DAY (school closed to children)

Academic Year 2024-25

Monday 2nd SeptemberINSET DAY (school closed to children)
Tuesday 3rd SeptemberINSET DAY (school closed to children)
Wednesday 4th SeptemberFirst day of Autumn 1 term for children (Years 1 – 6)
Friday 25th OctoberLast day of Autumn 1 term – school finishes at 3.15pm
Half Term Holiday:Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November
Monday 4th NovemberINSET DAY (school closed to children)
Tuesday 5th NovemberFirst day of Autumn 2 term - children return to school
Friday 20th DecemberLast day of Autumn 2 term
Break up for Christmas Holidays – school finishes at 1.30pm
Monday 6th JanuaryINSET DAY (school closed to children)
Tuesday 7th JanuaryFirst day of Spring 1 term for children
Friday 14th FebruaryLast day of Spring 1 term – school finishes at 3.15pm
Half Term Holiday:Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February
Monday 24th FebruaryFirst day of Spring 2 term - children return to school
Friday 4th AprilLast day of Spring 2 term
Break up for Easter Holidays – school finishes at 1.30pm
Tuesday 22nd AprilINSET DAY (school closed to children)
Wednesday 23rd AprilFirst day of Summer 1 term for children
Monday 5th MayEarly May Bank Holiday (school closed)
Thursday 22nd MayLast day of Summer 1 term – school finishes at 3.15pm
Friday 23rd MayINSET DAY (school closed to children)
Half Term Holiday:Monday 26th May - Friday 30th May
Monday 2nd JuneFirst day of Summer 2 term
Friday 18th JulyLast day of academic year for children
Break up for Summer Holidays – school finishes at 1.30pm
Monday 21st JulyINSET DAY (school closed to children)
Tuesday 22nd JulyINSET DAY (school closed to children)