Year 6 children take tests in Reading, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling and Maths. These, alongside teacher assessments of English writing and science, provide vital information to parents about their child’s attainment, support the transition to Secondary Schools and identify where additional support is best targeted to individuals. Key Stage 2 SATs results can fluctuate year on year due to a number of key factors, including cohort special educational needs (SEND), number of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding and pupils joining the school late in Key Stage 2 from other UK schools or from abroad. In the last few years, we have seen a rising school roll, with increasing SEND needs and social, emotional and mental health needs, and an increasing number of pupils who are below age related expectations joining the school. As a school, we work hard on ensuring that our curriculum is effectively scaffolded for all pupils, providing support and challenge to all, and continuously developing our high teaching standards from new research and working closely with other local primary and secondary schools.
The school’s End of Key Stage 2 SATs results for 2023 were as follows.
Our Year 6 cohort 2024 End of Key Stage 2 SATs results were as follows:
Please click on the following link for the Department for Education Compare School Performance page for further detail about the results.
Our Year 6 children move on to several state and independent Secondary Schools, with an approximate 60:40 split between the maintained and private sector education systems. Ninety percent of our families who applied to independent sector schools were successful in their first choice school application last year. Many of our children who are moving on to independent secondary schools do so with full or part scholarships in academia, sports and music.
Our Year 6s move on to a number of Secondary schools, including:
– City of Freemans
– Claremont Fan Court
– Cobham Free School
– Epsom College
– Esher High School
– Guildford High School
– Hinchley Wood School
– Reed’s School
– Royal Grammar School
– Surbiton High School
– Tiffin Girls’ School
– Tiffin School
– Tormead School
These SATs results have not just been made in Year 6. Most of our Year 6 children started their educational life at ECS in Reception and have moved through the year groups, learning and progressing each year. These results are a celebration of the strong teaching and exciting curriculum across the school, ensuring that all Year 6 children are ready and prepared for their next stage in education in Secondary school.