One of our playground friendship benches designed and created by the children in Year 4 as part of our PSHCE curriculum.
Anti-Bullying at Esher Church School.
At Esher Church School our approach to bullying reflects our key Christian Values. We are committed to nurturing and valuing everyone in our school community for their uniqueness and individuality. We strive to create a safe environment where healthy, positive relationships are fostered and where resilience is developed. We believe that it is the right of every child to feel safe, respected and free from hurtful or harmful experiences.
Through our relationship and behaviour cornerstones of, `Ready, Respectful, Safe,` we support children to develop a moral code which fosters a sense of responsibility for themselves and others.
As a school we are alert to the signs of bullying at all times and act promptly and fairly against it. The issue of anti-bullying is embedded into our school ethos and curriculum so that there is a constant focus on its prevention. Any incidence of bullying is addressed promptly by our staff members. We create an atmosphere where all members of our community are encouraged to share concerns. Children feel comfortable talking to teachers and other staff members in the knowledge that their concerns will be effectively dealt with.
Our definition of bullying.
- Bullying is being repeatedly hurt by someone either physically or emotionally.
- Bullying is when something hurtful is said to the same person, by the same person or people, again and again and again.
- Bullying is when someone is physically hurt by the by the same person or people, again and again and again.
- Bullying can happen in real life and online.
Our Anti-Bullying Charter.
All our classes regularly re-visit our anti-bullying policy and approach and are encouraged to sign an anti-bullying charter designed to provide them with a greater ownership.
Odd Socks day to raise awareness of bullying and celebrate what makes us all unique.
One of our Anti-bullying superheroes.
All Together Programme and The Surrey Anti-Bullying Alliance
AT ECS we are vey proud to be a part of, The Surrey Anti-Bullying Alliance together with the All Together Programme set up by the National Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA). The ABA has worked closely with young people and schools to develop a list of 10 key principles to preventing and responding to bullying. At ECS we fully commit to these 10 key Principles.
See here for further details:The 10 Key Principles.docx Anti Bullying
Anti-Bullying Policy and Procedure.
To view our school Anti-Bullying policy please click here: ECS_Anti_Bullying_Policy
For a more child friendly copy of our policy written by members of Year 6, please click here: Under construction
webpage under construction image
Related links: Please also take a look at our Equality and our Relationships, Sex Education and Health Education (RSHE) policies too. Equality Information and Objectives May 2020 RSHE policy 2020 final
Apples hurt on the inside too. PSHCE lesson where children looked at what happened to the apples when they said unkind words to it.