In Year 6 our classes are named after the authors Phillip Pullman and J.R.R. Tolkein.
Pullman is taught by Mrs Skingle and Mrs Carleton.
Tolkein is taught by Miss Knothe.
The year group is supported by Mrs Whyte and Mrs Tullett
In Year 6 we prepare the children socially and emotionally for their transition to secondary school, giving them a variety of learning opportunities within a rich and varied curriculum. The children are encouraged to take on increasing responsibility and to become more independent in their learning, wherever possible.
Big Enquiry
Autumn 1 – To What Extent has Exploration Changed the World Autumn 2 – Money, Money Money…what Is It Actually Worth
Spring 1 – Keeping Safe Spring 2 – What Makes A Hero
Summer 1 – How Are Our Coastal Areas Changing
Home Learning
We will set reading, Maths and spelling/SPaG or writing each week on Thursdays, to be completed by the following Tuesday. Please see Home Learning, Year 6 for this each week.
Autumn Term:
In September, we study “Who was the greatest explorer in history?” and visit the Cutty Sark in London as part of our learning on maritime vessels of the period. This half term results in us presenting our arguments to this question in front of our peers.
After half term, we study “How can money make a difference?”. The highlight of this term is our enterprise project Christmas market, where we run stalls attempting to make a profit for charities of our choosing.
In Autumn 2, we also look at “What does the Bible say about money?” in our RE learning which supports our understanding.
Spring Term:
In January, we ask the question “How do we keep ourselves and others safe and well?”. This enquiry culminates in the children making and caring for ‘flour babies’ inspired by our study of the book by the same title by Anne Fine.
After half term, we study “What makes a hero?”. This enquiry focusses on the character, cult and role of Alfred the Great. We learn about his scholarly study and make decisions on how significant events in his life were to the idea of his ‘greatness’.
Summer Term:
In April, we ask the question “What makes the British coast so special?”. In this half term we consider the formation of beaches and headlands on coastlines, as well as erosion and the asking of geographical questions in our study of Pembrokeshire.
During Summer 1, we take our residential trip to the British coastline. This is always the highlight of the year and the children really grow emotionally in their time away.
After half term, we learn “What does it take to put on a show?”. In this topic we write and perform a production for the ECS community before we leave the school ready for Year 7.