
A message from the Governors…

As the governing body, we are very proud of our school and what it has achieved over recent years. It is a very happy and successful place, where the partnership between governors, parents, staff and children is outstanding. At the heart of our school is a strong Christian ethos and this is reflected in the aims, culture and values of the school.

A school is a dynamic place, constantly needing to respond to, and develop according to, changing pupil needs and the local and national agenda. As the governing body, maintaining school improvement is our key responsibility and is at the forefront of all that we do.

What we do

While the day-to-day management of the school is the responsibility of the Head Teacher and Leadership Team, we work closely with them on a variety of strategic matters relating to policy, direction and performance.

Governors agree and monitor the strategic aims of the school and help to formulate and review the school improvement plan, as well as to shape long-term policy. We agree the budget and monitor its implementation, are responsible for the recruitment and selection of senior staff and for dealing with a wide range of staffing issues. In addition, we look after the premises. We have a statutory duty to agree, maintain and communicate the framework of policies and procedures within which the school operates. As governors of a church school, we take very seriously our responsibility to protect the ethos and faith of ECS, and work hard to review regularly the perspectives of our key stakeholders.

How we are structured

The governing body at ECS is made up of 16 governors representing the community served by our school. These include the churches in our parishes, our Headteacher, members of staff, and parents.. (Further details of the governors and the offices we hold can be found below).

As a full governing body, we meet once a term. In addition, four smaller committees, each with specific areas of responsibility, meet more often and report back to the governing body. These are: Learning and Teaching, Finance, Christian Distinctiveness and Partnerships & Futures. .

How to contact us

If you have any questions or issues that you would like to raise with the governors, I would encourage you to contact either Carl Warner or Edward Dowler, who are our Parent Governors. All Governors may be contacted through the school office or by email on

Useful documents

You may find these documents useful to learn more about our governors:

Governors Meeting Attendance Record (to follow)

Register Of Interests Of Members Of The Governing Body (to follow)

Governors’ Code Of Conduct

School Governors

Chair of Trustees 

Name  Appointed by  From  To 
Mrs B. Holmes  Appointed by Foundation/Trust  01/09/2018  31/08/2022 


Name  Appointed by  From  To 
Mr G. Harper  Appointed by Foundation/Trust  03/06/2020  02/06/2024 
Mrs B. Holmes  Appointed by Foundation/Trust  03/10/2017  31/08/2022 
Mr Ben Foley   Appointed by Governing Body   01/09/2021  31/08/2025 
Mr O. Seeley  Appointed by Governing Body  17/12/2021  06/12/2025 
Mr R. Lonnon  Appointed by Foundation/Trust  01/09/2018  31/08/2022 
Mrs G. Matthews  Appointed by Foundation/Trust  01/07/2021  30/06/2025 
Mr A. Munro  Elected by School Staff  01/10/2021  30/09/2025 
Rev’d D. McCallig  Incumbent of Christ Church, Esher (ex officio)  01/09/2020  01/09/2024 
Mr E. Dowler  Elected by parents  17/12/2021  16/12/2025 
Mrs G. Valter  Elected by School Staff  01/10/2021  30/9/2025 
Mr C. Warner  Elected by parents  04/01/2021  03/03/2025 
Mr J. Tyrell  Appointed by Foundation/Trust  01/02/2022  01/02/2026 
Mrs S. Argent  Appointed by Foundation/Trust  01/07/2021  30/06/2025 


Name  Appointed by   
Mr A. Tear  The Guildford Diocese Educational Trust   
Mr G. Harper  Appointed by Foundation/Trust  Joint Vice Chair

Ex Officio Member 

Mrs B. Holmes  Appointed by Foundation Trust  Chair of Governors

Ex Officio Member 

Mr R. Lonnon  Appointed by Foundation/Trust  Joint Vice Chair

Ex Officio Member 

Rev’d D. McCallig  Incumbent of Christ Church, Esher  Ex Officio Member 
Mr A .de la Touche  Founding Member