
At Esher Church School we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children. Our volunteers and visitors are expected to share this commitment.

This page details a number of documents and processes that explain the myriad different ways we ensure the safety of your children.

All staff and volunteers at school share a responsibility to ensure our children are safe; those with responsibility to lead in this area are:


Our Safeguarding (or Child Protection) policy lays out all the measures we undertake to ensure the safety and protection of your child whilst they are in our care. Having the policy ensures that all members of the school community:

  • Know their roles and responsibilities in keeping children safe
  • Know what to do if there is a cause for concern
  • Know what may indicate child abuse in any of its forms
  • Know where and who to go to for additional information


We are absolutely blessed at Esher Church School with a parent body that love to share their time, energy and skills to help in the education of our children.

In order to ensure all adults in the school follow our safeguarding procedures we have created a leaflet that details Child Protection Procedures, Emergency Procedures and the Code of Conduct.


We recognise that the Internet is an essential element for education, business and social interaction. The school has a duty to provide students with quality Internet access as part of their learning experience.

Through a yearly cycle of online safety learning, supplemented by appropriate workshops and activities from approved outside organisations, children are taught what Internet use is acceptable at school, what is not acceptable and are given clear objectives for internet use.

If you would like to further protect yourself and you child we encourage you to visit and try out some of the activities there. They will supplement our online safety learning in school and guide you and your child in how to stay safe online.

Download the Online Safety Policy

Visit to further extend your online safety training.


If you or anyone you know is worried about Child Exploitation, Online Protection or anything relating to internet safety then please do get in touch with CEOP using the link either below or to the right. They are a government department whose sole purpose is to ensure the protection of children and will respond to any and all concerns swiftly and effectively.

Click the image below to report anything directly to CEOP:


We have found that following our Online Safety Policy is most effective when Children, Teachers and Parents work together. We created a series of ‘acceptable use’ agreements that allow all parties to agree on what we deem reasonable access to online services.